I went to bed last night dreading what today had in store for me and rightly so as the weather has been less than kind these past few weeks.
Saturday 8am, the alarm sounds and it's my que to run out of bed for half hour or so.
Upon returning I find my wonderful girlfriend has prepared my breakfast for the days training, she knew I had a big day so breakfast certainly didn't disappoint... Thanks darling :-).
The 3 hour ride was to include a hill rep session of 8 loops that my coached based each loop should
Take approx. 8 minutes.
There was to be no rest between each loop as there was an up, down and 2 flat sections per loop so plenty of recovery time and a good simulation of WimbleBall terrain.
I decided to do 4 reps seated and the remaining 4 with some out the saddle climbing to see which method works for me, from my results a smooth pedal stroke and staying seated was consistently faster than standing and climbing out the saddle.
Another valuable lesson learnt!!!
I also had to monitor heart rate and see a positive increase and the top of each climb which was something that worked until the 7th rep and my heart wouldn't go above 183 bmp.
The return leg was approx 1 hour and gave me plenty of cool down and preparation for the run off.
Upon returning the rain had failed to give in and the wind had begun to pick up this left me feeling pretty miserable and no enthusiasm for the run.
After getting changed into my run kit I decided the quicker I got the session over and done with the sooner I could get a massage and begin the taper and recovery for next weekend.
So here we go 20 minutes out with a great tailwind, and get home in 18 with a savage head wind, it begun very well and I kept a sensible pace, I knew I could hold on the return back. Looked at the Garmin when I crossed the starting point and read 17.22 so was happy with that.
Training over for the day, time to refuel with lunch and Synergy ISO7 and then head to Pro Health for recovery massage.
Coach is encouraging a lake training session in the morning...looking out the window I might have a personal lake by dawn!
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